19th November 2020

"We can make the changing office a better place to work" RIBAJ PIP

This article was published before we changed our practice name, from Edward Williams Architects to Cagni Williams

The article from the November/December 2020 RIBAJ PIP magazine starts as follows:

" Will we ever get back to the office? This has been a frequent question during the Covid lockdown. One person who is convinced that we will is Edward Williams, managing director of Edward Williams Architects. Speaking at the RIBA PiP webinar on office developments, Williams showed a small but delightful project that he has designed, repurposing an existing building in a mews in Paddington, London. 

Even more interesting was his conviction that we must return to work in offices. 'Our own office has been 60-70% less efficient when working from home,' he said. And this was despite the fact that 'we are benefiting from the flywheel effect of having worked together in offices when working from home now.' He believes that 'we overestimate that when we think about what working from home means for the future.' ..."

Download the pdf of the article below.
