22nd February 2018

Human and Machine: Manual input for 3D printing

The 3D printer can’t do it all; we still need a sophisticated and skilled human hand behind it. This has become all the more apparent whilst working on a large scale model using our 3D printer in the studio. A considerable amount of time is spent planning the parts to be printed and adjusting then exporting the digital model to be suitable for printing. And this is all before we switch the printer on. All 3D printed parts need to be cleaned and we occasionally modify them manually with a 3D freehand pen (our new toy). Once all the components, large and fiddly, are assembled, the result is a stunning collaboration of machine and man.

See our Instagram for a sneak-peek into the model building process https://www.instagram.com/p/BfJlOsJBEob/?taken-by=edwardwilliamsarchitects

Human and Machine: Manual input for 3D printing
Human and Machine: Manual input for 3D printing
Human and Machine: Manual input for 3D printing
Human and Machine: Manual input for 3D printing
Human and Machine: Manual input for 3D printing
Human and Machine: Manual input for 3D printing